

是时候选择新的LMS了. 你从愿景开始,然后再往回走. 你知道你在找什么. 但是你如何快速公平地比较所有的供应商? How do you cut through the noise 和 find not just the provider, but the right partner?

这就是不起眼的电子表格. I developed one when going through this process, 和 optimized it over time. 现在我把它作为模板分享给大家.

但 before you rush to make a copy, here’s my advice on how to use it 和 make it work for you.



第一列是添加供应商的地方. 我在整个过程中添加了供应商. 但你要让这个电子表格为你工作!

最上面一行是设置标准的地方. 您将有一个功能列表. 评估无形资产更难. 我是这样学会的.


在预订任何演示之前,设置标准. 考虑一下你对伴侣的一切要求. 问问你自己:怎样才能让这个演示成功? 请注意这些. You can alter the criteria in the spreadsheet to make sure that every question is targeted to selecting the best LMS for your learners. 以下是我需要回答的问题:

这个平台使用起来有多容易? 这是直觉吗?? 它的外观和感觉怎么样? 学习设计的新手需要培训才能使用它吗? 他们如何推销自己的愿景? 他们是把我们看作合作伙伴,还是仅仅是另一个客户? 他们的客户支持怎么样? 当我们需要它们的时候,它们是可用的吗? 如果出事了,他们会优先考虑我们吗? 他们的移动学习真的有效吗? 他们能量化知识保留的增加吗? 他们能支持进一步的课程吗? 我们需要马上登机, but we’ll need compliance training next year - does this platform support our legal needs?



If you want your employees to integrate learning into their day-to-day, mobile-UX is a must. Make sure you’re satisfied that the vendor’s mobile learning integration delivers the results you need.


Integrating an LMS into your existing tech stacks should free up time through 自动化基本任务. List out every platform you use, 和 be prepared to ask the reps about every integration you need.

LMS是否与Google Drive和Slack集成? 如果你正在寻找销售支持培训, 这个平台是否与Salesforce或Snowflake集成?


许多公司都有强制性的培训需求. Whether it's compliance training, or financial updates, your LMS should help you to 减轻管理负担 围绕分配、跟踪和完成. If you have needs that vendors aren’t listing, don’t be afraid to ask. By answering these questions, you’ll be able to refine your list of potential partners.

现在你知道你要找什么了. 是时候把你的问题付诸实践,见见供应商了.


The right vendor for your company will be aligned to your vision 和 values. 但是,在演示环节中,很容易被技术分散注意力. 以免被冲走, part of your preparation should include pinging the sales reps with questions.

询问他们公司的愿景和价值观. 当销售代表谈论他们的愿景时,你是否感到受到鼓舞? Let the vendor know about the specific requirements of your company. Ask them to respond to your needs, 和 explain how they plan to help your learners.

例如, 假设你的法律合规取决于可跟踪的课程费率, but that information isn’t readily available on the vendor’s platform. 他们能提供这些信息吗? If they can’t provide it now, are they prepared to work with you 和 develop the platform? 他们有合适的团队来构建它吗?

If they refuse to answer questions beyond their usual pitch, to me that’s a red flag. When I’m conducting an LMS comparison, I want someone that will truly partner with me. 如果在这个阶段有人拒绝, I take the opportunity to save everyone’s time 和 remove the company from consideration.


The second you’re out of the demo, put your thoughts in writing. 不要停下来喝杯咖啡. 打开你的电子表格,诚实地回答你的标准. 手机整合真的有效吗? 他们是把我们当成合作伙伴,还是只是普通客户? 他们对我们对他们产品的反馈感兴趣吗?

这是我填写自由形式的利弊列表的时候. 根据我的经验, being honest with myself about everything from ‘does the tech represent our br和’, 到“用户体验是否直观”, 代表们都很友好?开始发挥作用.

When you capture the details of your immediate reactions 和 feelings, 使LMS比较更容易. 根据我的经验, you’ll be left with a few vendors to take through to the next round: stress tests.


Stress testing the learning environment outside of the demo is essential. How else will you underst和 how well the platform really performs? Our learners deserve a platform that works, whatever their tech set-up. 询问供应商是否可以创建或测试课程. This will allow you to underst和 what every learner will experience.

如果我对平台的交付方式感到满意, 我将对我的客户(我的学习者)进行进一步的压力测试。. I’ll find a business need, 和 try to solve that problem through a trial of the tool. 比如说, 业务开发需要扩展 它的销售支持培训. 我将通过LMS试验创建一个新的途径. I’ll create the course content, 和 ask Business Development to use the platform.

Trialing platforms by addressing a business need solves two problems at once. 首先,它有助于业务发展. 其次,它提供了L&D与平台有效性的真实数据. HR will be invested in sharing feedback, as they’ll want an LMS that makes their jobs easier. 这绝对是双赢.


唷! 有很多,有很多供应商! You’ve ticked off the companies who wanted to partner with you, 还有那些集成了你的技术的. 是时候做出这个重大决定了.

这就是你的电子表格充分发挥潜力的地方. You should have a ‘shortlist’ of vendors who made it through the demo, 您的特性需求检查, 压力测试. 你如何在最强的候选人中做出选择?

Taking the final choice is much easier with a detailed pros 和 cons list. All the data to drive your decision is right there - now it’s simply a matter of choosing the empirically best fit.

你是怎么做到的? 很好的问题! By assessing the notes you wrote after the demo 和 throughout in-house product trials, 你应该有清晰的洞察力. 例如, one platform might display all the compliance information you need 和 provide smooth content creation, 但是他们的客户服务可能不符合你的标准. 那个供应商不太合适.

如果你制定了很好的标准, 并对每一步都进行了审查, you should be able to see which vendor is going to set your learners up for success.


Once you’ve made your choice, it’s time to get everyone else onboard. 根据我的经验,高级利益相关者投资于 我们选择的LMS 正是因为它很重要.

Sometimes that investment can play out through requests from other teams. 例如, your CHRO or head of sales has received an email from a potential vendor. Your colleague is sure that this vendor could be the right fit. 但, 如果你已经认定这个供应商不合适, 这种类型的互动可能非常令人沮丧. 这就是你的电子表格再次发挥作用的地方.

如果你的推理和过程是可见的, you allow this colleague to access 和 underst和 your process. They can see that you’re making a data-driven decision – a decision that is aligned to the vision 和 values of your organization. These stakeholder conversations will be smoother, 和 your hard work will be worth it.


选择LMS是一项复杂的任务. It can feel impossible to balance core business needs 和 the needs of learners, 同时比较LMS功能列表. By noting your decision-making process through the spreadsheet, you’re adding structure 和 clarity. 你是在为自己和学习者的成功做好准备.



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