
Jenny Luo

Enabling our employees to be empowered and productive is on top of the agenda for any People leader. 但我们如何大规模实现这一目标?

这一切都始于人的数据. Together with Winningtemp, 我们举办了一个现场会议,与投资者探讨这个话题, advisor, 以及谷歌专家负责人约翰·埃里克森.



People analytics is the practice of collecting and transforming HR data. 使用它可以帮助我们了解公司文化的趋势, 员工敬业度, 以及员工如何定义一个好的工作场所. 最后,指导人们和商业决策.

但启动一项新的人员分析功能并不容易. In a busy HR team, finding the capacity to create something new is tough. 从哪里开始呢? For example, how do teams take eNPS scores, and use them to guide business strategy?


A sustainable business can’t rely on vacation-time to sustain the energy of its workforce. Companies need to know how best to look after its employees, all-year round. Constant customer satisfaction requires constant employee satisfaction and energetic teams. But what are the signals that can help companies to proactively support their employees? And how do we create products that customers love, while looking after our teams?

这就是人员分析可以提供帮助的地方. People analytics can help HR teams to explore potential correlations between seemingly unrelated areas. 以社会关系和生产力为例. Maybe employees with busier social calendars are more energized and productive? 充满活力的员工对高速增长的公司至关重要. Knowing that social activities generate positive energy might lead you to organizing more team events. 洞察力驱动战术.


以这种方式使用数据来驱动决策是非常强大的. 但前提是数据准确且我们解读正确. Without a solid grounding, we risk falling for the traps of easy wins and false positives. It’s about the quality of your data, and the intention of your questions.

当你拥有权利时,对数据提出问题会更容易 工具和特性. Let’s imagine you’re trying to understand what drives employee satisfaction. 使用正确的平台集成, you could understand the relationship between employee satisfaction and vacation time. Perhaps the data shows that your most productive employees take all of their vacation allowance — and stay offline. 这是另一个有趣的发现. But how can you use that insight to make changes that help your employees and your company? Now you have a hypothesis that nudging more employees to take vacation will drive employee satisfaction.

那么如何验证这个假设呢? 同样,这都是关于集成的. 综合人力资源信息系统, 消息传递平台, and LMS could automate a micro-learning that’s triggered to a percentage point. Say it’s half way through the year, and someone’s only taken 10% of their allowance. 员工收到一个ping in Slack or Google,促使他们预订更多的假期. 假设两周过去了,你的员工忘记预定他们的假期. Your integrated LMS delivers a micro-learning that explains the benefits of vacation time to the individual, and the company. The learning could direct your employee to your vacation-booking portal.


开始进行人员分析可能会让人感到不知所措. 我们说——从小处做起,然后迅速取得一些成功. 使用现有的数据集,提出明确定义的问题. 一旦你掌握了这些技巧,你就可以想得更大. Here's how:


所有的超级洞察力都从一个简单的基线开始. 从你手头的数据开始. Pull as many reports from your HR stack as you can and see what’s available. eNPS, vacation time, 完成的学习课程, benefits usage, 出勤率——这些都有潜在的用处.


With these insights in hand, it’s time to understand where you want to go next.


Now you know your strengths and gaps, create the top 10 questions that people data can answer. 你觉得这些问题怎么样? 首先,相信你自己. 你知道哪里的改进会带来最大的不同. Ask:

Involve broader management — but only after reviewing your own wants and needs. 当你准备好引入更广泛的利益相关者时, ask them: how could people data strengthen and empower the management teams? 人们的数据可以帮助他们解决什么问题?


Now you’re ready to go from having a question, to wanting some answers. 取得进步的最好方法就是开始测试你的想法.

Maybe you have a hypothesis that people who engage with learning more regularly are more likely to gain promotion. 以下是你验证它的方法:

  1. 首先,写下你的假设. For example, ‘I think that people who actively engage with learning are more likely to achieve promotions more quickly than people who are moderately engaged with learning’.
  2. 接下来,选择要测量的时间单位. 你可以用6个月,因为这段时间足以让模式出现.
  3. 从LMS导出相关数据.
  4. 你应该能够看到人们的参与度, 然后计算员工对学习的平均投入.
  5. 现在,寻找异常值. 是否有人比他们的同龄人更投入? How many people?
  6. 看看他们的人力资源数据. 这些人的晋升速度更快吗? 如果不是,你能猜猜原因吗?

If experimentation is outside your comfort zone, reframe the challenge as an opportunity. You’ll learn new skills and find solutions that can make it easier for HR to deliver support efficiently, and at scale.



与数据打交道意味着学会对数据进行询问. We’re all victims of bias, which means we sometimes see what we want to see. In the sciences, that’s known as ‘fishing for data’ – looking for the one finding that will prove your point.

“总是在你的数据中寻找异常值. 这才是真正有趣的地方. 这样才有交流和学习的空间.”

Johan Eriksson

以谷歌为例. Recently, they noticed that Google’s User Satisfaction was showing about a 10% point increase. 这是一个很大的飞跃. And, even though it would have been nice to accept the win, the number was misleading. A closer look at the data showed a deviation of 13%, both higher and lower from the mean average. 除此之外,还有一个很可能的抽样偏差, 使年复一年的比较变得无关紧要. So not only was the actual number incorrect, but also the implied increase.

如果你要处理人的数据, 每个人都需要知道他们的定量和定性. Schedule data-literacy training, to help the relevant teams learn how to engage with your strategy. Educating employees helps teams to stay curious and creative when looking at data. 好奇心很重要. 这就是超级洞察力所在.


获得数据支持. Make it usable. 整合你的数据将提高你的搜索能力, 尝试一下, 找到深刻的联系. 例如,将你的人力资源技术堆栈与 your LMS 能让你看到新的模式吗.

Sana与Winningtemp的集成可以简化这项工作. Winningtemp’s dashboard can give users a top-level view on employee engagement. 有了这些见解,HR和L&D teams can create learnings that are part of a people-first HR strategy.

People analytics offers HR teams the opportunity to look at existing problems in new ways. 在我们继续适应的过程中帮助每个人. By learning more about our employees, we can improve their wellbeing, now, and into the future.

再次感谢 Johan Eriksson and Jacob Österberg 感谢他们的时间和见解.


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