
A behind-the-scenes look at Sana’s operating model


和你一样,我们公司也有 大胆的使命. Sana exists to change the way the world learns. 为了完成这一使命,每个行动都需要逐步达到最终目标.

This idea sounds simple in theory. 实际上,它提出了许多关于如何组织团队和结构工作的基本问题. When I joined Sana as 参谋长, I saw a great opportunity to rethink our cadence 和 operating model. We l和ed on an operating cadence called 6/6/6, 它改变了我们作为一家公司——从产品速度到 员工敬业度.

This is my articulation of what the 6/6/6 cadence is, 你是如何付诸实践的, 和 why it can transform an organization.



6/6/6的工作节奏将工作分为6年、6个月和6周三个阶段. It’s tactical 和 actionable — really h和s-on.

Simply put, the 6/6/6 cadence looks like this:


当我们决定创造适合我们自己的运营节奏时,我们只有30名Sanians, 只有我们. 在这个决定之前, 我们尝试了很多不同的时间范围和目标设定框架. 我们发现okr太死板了,是一门很难掌握的艺术(如果你尝试过,你就会明白我的意思)。.

将产品团队锁定在3个月的周期内并不能帮助我们的团队做出改变, or close out dead-ends effectively. Annual goals became meaningless, because so much changes within a year. 有些事情需要改变.


6/6/6 keeps us focused 和 running in the same direction. 在萨那,我们的一个 领导原则 是“我要减少熵?.“这是基于一个来自物理学的心智模型——热力学第二定律指出,封闭系统的熵总是增加的。. 换句话说, unless you create order 和 predictability for your organization, it will descend into disorder 和 chaos over time. 6/6/6 provides just the right amount of structure to mitigate this risk.


For each one of the time horizons, 我们创造了自己的方式来定义我们的信仰,以确保每个人都朝着同一个方向前进.


We set our 6-year vision by asking ourselves 汉明问题 ‘what’s the most important problem in our field?’. 在萨那, 我们相信,学习有机会推动人类发展的重大飞跃. The Wright brothers setting flight. Astra Zeneca creating the first Covid-19 vaccine. These discoveries move the world forward. 这些变化 一切从学习开始.

为了把汉明问题变成一个长期的愿景,你必须设定雄心勃勃的目标. 雄心勃勃. What kind of company will you be if you solve this problem? What impact on the world will you have had? We invest a lot of time in how we present this narrative to our team. After all, it’s our guiding 和 uniting force — we introduce it with every 新员工培训周期, 和 revisit it periodically in All H和s meetings.


Setting our 6 month strategy is a team effort. 我们需要每个团队的领域知识,这样我们才能设定一个明智的前进方向. 在萨那, we set our 6-month strategy through the DIBB framework. It’s a brilliant tactic for making evidenced decisions. 它代表:

The full DIBB journey takes about three to four weeks from start to finish. DIBB框架允许对未来可能带来的东西进行高度大胆和有远见的信念. 它还能让我们了解产品和用户的细微细节.

首先将数据和见解收集到一个浓缩的备忘录中,并与整个团队共享. 我们将此备忘录作为 关于萨那的互动课程. Each team member takes the course so we start from the same page. 即使在我们创建备忘录的过程中,也有很多分歧和讨论——这就是为什么我们让整个过程持续了几个星期. These discussions are some of the most powerful activities we take. With friction comes challenge, 和 change.

看完备忘录后,是时候分享我们对未来6个月的看法和赌注了. 这里什么都欢迎. 上次我们运行DIBB时,我们收集了近100个信念和赌注——全部来自一个40人的团队. Over team lunches, or Friday drinks, we talk 和 debate. 所以,当我们到达策略日时,我们的信念和赌注已经准备好接受调查. 几乎没有什么惊喜. 我们准备好出发了.


Our strategy days are special rituals. 这是一年中为数不多的我们能一起走进同一个房间的日子. We agree on the strategy ahead, then form our teams (or missions as we call them) around that strategy. 在白天, each team sets their hero metric, 未来6个月, 他们的关键里程碑, 以及他们的团队仪式. We present these mission overviews to each other, 和 then we celebrate.

With our 6-month strategy in h和, we move into our 6-weekly sprints.


每六周的周期(我们称之为Hexads)开始于全公司范围的团队回顾和计划会议. 这些会议的输出应该是承诺——目标和战术,这将最好地推动每个团队实现他们的英雄指标.

随着承诺清单的完成,我们问自己——这个清单是可以实现的吗? Is everything here in service of the 6-month strategy? 团队DRI(直接负责个人)询问人们他们在哪里遇到障碍和挑战. When the list is too long, we renegotiate our priorities together. We offer support, 和 ask for it. 删除任务, 在必要的时候, creates reliability – balls are rarely dropped, 和 people enjoy supporting their fellow Sanians.

每周五,所有团队的dri聚集在一起回顾我们的承诺,并报告每周的进展. 这让每个人都清楚地知道我们在哪些方面进展顺利,哪些方面需要帮助. 我们在萨那主持和跟踪所有团队的承诺,因此每个人都可以访问状态.

六边形让每个人都能理解任务进展的现实. Needing help isn’t failure at Sana – it’s a symptom of 强迫自己 成就伟业. Whether that’s removing commitments, 优先顺序, or realizing we need more support, 我们在一起. And when we achieve great things personally, the company benefits. 双赢.

The path to organizational success

正确的节奏为个人和公司提供了一个良性循环的结构. 只要有新信息出现,我们就能有动力、有方向地工作.

After 18 months of 6/6/6, we’ve observed a number of key benefits.

Data + bold bets = global maxima

在Sana,我们不断争取更大的机会,避免渐进主义. This is what we mean by global maxima. It’s another mental model, 和 another one of our 领导原则.

6/6/6帮助我们遵循这一原则,因为它鼓励我们每六个月大胆下注一次. That’s what the DIBB framework is all about. Of course, we’re data-informed 和 always listening to customer feedback. But we also dare to go after step-change opportunities.

Sana生活 is one of the best examples of us searching for global maxima. It’s Sana’s built-in video platform for running interactive live sessions. When we came up with the idea just before our strategy day, Live wasn’t a feature that our customers were asking for. 但这是我们从了解混合工作的更广泛趋势和评估市场发展中发现的一个机会. 一年过去了,Sana生活是该平台最与众不同、最受欢迎的部分之一.


团队可以随时移动 令人难以置信的速度 when they know what to prioritize. They’re empowered to take decisions. 6/6/6之所以产生动力,是因为它设定了长期优先级,而将短期战术留给了球队. 我们很幸运有聪明的, 承诺, 和 ambitious people that want to move fast 和 make a big impact. 6/6/6使我们能够满足这些高期望,并保持我们的员工参与和积极性.


我们的6个月战略最终决定了我们如何构建团队,或者我们称之为任务. For each of our main strategic bets, 我们与指定的领导者(我们称之为直接负责个人)组成一个任务, 或想了解).

Each mission has a clearly-defined goal 和 works autonomously. 这确保了我们的战略和赌注决定了我们如何构建团队,而不是相反. Every team is working to enact the strategy, rather than continuing with roles that aren’t supporting our new objectives.

Every 6 months there’s room for significant change, because we’re always assessing data 和 making bold bets. If the priorities shift, we can alter the size 和 shape of teams easily. 这在创造具有挑战性的个人发展机会的同时,也带来了更好的业务成果. And this means that Sanians can do their life’s work with us.

There’s no silver bullet in creating organizational cadences. We know we’re not perfect, 和 we’re always seeking ways to improve.

6/6/6已经成为萨那的心跳,因为它让我们与我们的 战略与使命. 这是令人兴奋的,它是充满活力的,它帮助我们实现我们的生活的工作. At the end of the day, that’s all we could ever want.

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